Strange Transmissions from the Retrofuture

8 - StupidPowers

Antimtr Season 2 Episode 3

Just when they’ve snorted a significant sigh of solace, Slum Bum finds themself on trial once again: first by their own pack of punks–particularly by them picking at a preternatural puzzle–and then by a powerful patron whose pseudonym is yet another P word.

Painful, isn’t it?

Matt and Amy share a scene too. Party on.

Featuring tracks

Partners in Pain (Straight Razor Remix) by Nightcrawler
Shatterpoint by Slvmber

Episode Cast:

Matt/Geary/Rando - Matt Whisenhunt
Amy - Amy Boyd
Sur-e - Lilly Aly
Slum Bum - BigMacKaz
The Profit - Donovan Vance
Craige - Jason Peters
SET - Craige Werner

Season 2 is taking a break. Check out our other mindblowing projects: AI generated videos of season 1, a gamified website, a YouTube radio station, and lots of other strange stuff! Head to to bridge the connection.